Monday, May 11, 2015

The Avengers

I'm confused by The Avengers. I can't tell if I've seen them all, or not. Generally, I can out nerd some of the nerdiest fellows in a software design company (where I spend most of my days) and can shoot a nerf gun better, and have well formed opinions on why the gatling feature on nerf just does not work. I went three days trying to remember the word "tauntaun" and almost cried because I couldn't finish, in my head, a throwaway line of Han Solo "Then I'll ride out on _______!"

But I can't remember if there are three Avengers movies already out... is this the fourth? Why are people calling Black Widow "a whore"? Did she bang anyone yet? As far as I remember there was some camraderie between her and Hawkeye, but nothing really sexual. She kissed Captain America on an escalator, but that was a classic spy move, and she didn't make "a move" on him at all after the fact.

Was that in the third one?

No! Clearly, duh, that was Winter Soldier..

Silly poet, flix are for nerds!  For, I am wise and learned in the ways of the nerd, but I have never actually passed. Stick me in a comic book shop, and every clerk, even the goth/hipster chick who looks like me knows that.

It doesn't matter anyway. The Avengers movies are made for me, not the nerds. They are blockbusters which don't force glaring cliche, but unroll inevitably through them -- to the point where you don't even notice they are cliches.

This one, whatever it is in sequence, will be getting my money. It's colorful, and I love Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson. If Robert Downey Jr. hosted the home shopping network, I'd be broke. I dislike that lady playing Hill; she's not a military leader, she's a stick. Or a segue: Can't be gotten rid of, and mechanically always there. 

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