Now I can read in Romanian, and a little in Russian, I read even more. Ads I never cared about etc.
One of my favorites are publisher and editor blogs online. Though, recently they've started blurring. Only one,, doesn't constantly whine about the end of the world as we know it. The world is always ending for someone and the book people of the western world think its their turn.
They kinda have a point. Kindles and Nooks and iPads I'm sure do hit book sales. But they just haven't figured out how to manipulate them enough legally and monetarily yet. There's been some squabbles, some legal battles, and the big wigs are catching on, but it's slow.
Besides, I was just doing some selfish research of place to publish my poetry. Along the way I found out about the Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters in 1915. My first reaction was, shit! I hope that's still in print!
I looked it up on Amazon (sweet savior angel of the publishers as far as I can tell) and lo! I have my choice of about 17 versions of paperback and one for Kindle.
The copy I want is actually published by . An adaptor. I chose it because of it's cover design.
You see, I am one of that elite group of intellectuals who gets off on reading and writing. Kindles are indeed sweet, and I will probably own one eventually, but I love the paper, I love comparing the galleys of books, how their cut, what font they choose, where the text lies on the page (you know there's a science to this, some newer mystery novels and such actually are printed HIGHER on the page so there's more thumb holding room at the bottom and the physical act of reading in bed is more ergonomic?) What paper/plastic combo ratio is used on the cover (Compare that Girl With the Something series to a paperback from 5 years ago. They've invented a cover and spine that doesn't get permanent wrinkles in it or break if you rough it up!)
Etc. etc. etc.
Books aren't going away. Consumers are like 5 year olds. they want what they want when they want it. And they usually get bored just as quick.
Did you know there is a profession that sells books by the foot for rich kids who want their shelves to look intelligent regardless of content? Nouveau Riche will save us yet! Quail Not!
PS. If anyone wonders what I'd like for Christmas, it's this $8.99 version of The Spoon River Anthology...
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