Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Katy Perry -- Firework

Loathe as I am, historically, to condone over-produced poppy mass pop, I just watched the video for Katy Perry's single Firework, and actually, physically, teared up.

I don't even like this song very much. It's predictable and even dull on its audio own. So, here's proof that visuals sure help people pay attention.

It has all the makings of a fearsomly air brushed, sentimental tear drop of a video. Airbrushed heroine. Candy-sweet colors. Linear build-up of action to a climax. That climax features spontaneous dancing in the streets.

And the supposed plotline follows some of the more saccharine stereotypes: Female Alopecia Victim. Fat Girl at Pool Party. Scared Gay Boy in Public. And of course, as Perry's gospel-trained voice swells, they break out of their shells and join the fun! woo!

Things that counteract this:

1. Ridiculously bright fireworks bursting from their chests. At first inkling of challenging their inner fears shows as a little glow. When the camera catches them making the decision to live fully, little sparks appear. When the Victim runs out of the hospital, Fat Girl jumps into the pool in her panties, and Gay Boy displays some very public affection, these sparks shoot forth in volleys of ecstatic color. I am such a sucker for surreal imagery.

2. The fact that there is a clear telling of each character's story. In 3 minutes and 45 seconds, the viewer swallows no fewer than 5 fully told story lines.

3. There is a woman in severe pain, giving birth. She's only a step in Victim's journey, but she bursts with fireworks. Damned cool.

4. Perry herself ends the thing wearing a summer dress I think I own. Go fashion sense that doesn't always demand sluttishness.

Yep. Maybe I'm over tired, under exposed to humanity, haven't been hugged in awhile. Maybe the idealistic nature of my work is getting to me (I did overdose on JFK and Sargent Shriver videos yesterday) but whatever it is, I suggest you head over to YouTube and watch this thing.

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